Friday, January 13, 2012

MAIL - 19 - Part - 4

I Wrote -

Dear Friend

5. I could not believe like God could not achieve through Krishna or then Jesus and and then he went for prophet Muhammad. That sounds like he had to give more trys to get something corrected. Really ??

God is unimaginably superior to His creations. It is not God tried multiple times; rather God bestowed multiple tries to humans to correct themselves.

Our Creator, the Lord of the Universe, has nothing to gain or lose with respect to what His creations do. He is well above all such needs.

To know what God has "achieved" by prophet Mohammad, just look at the practices of Worship of God by various communities today.

As per the Vedas, a born person cannot be the God.

He is One and only One, Sustains entire universe, Omnipresent, Formless, All-Powerful, Perfect, Omniscient, Unborn, Eternal and supports us always. He alone should be worshiped. Yajurveda 40:8

Now think, how many people worship the Unborn God and how many people worship born gods ? This is sufficient to prove that most of the people are deviated from what Vedas taught. The same is applicable to most of the people whom we call Christians and Muslims.

Look at Sri Narayana Guru. He invited people to "One God, One Religion". What what is happening now? After Guru passed away, followers created the Idols of Guru and worship the Guru himself !!

In the case of Jesus also the same thing happened. Jesus called the children of Israel to One God (the first commandment). If we look at the Christians, they are not worshiping the One God, instead they are worshiping the Jesus himself by his idols ! Or they are presuming the worship of One God by worshiping Jesus. In Muslim community also there are number of name-sake people who are worshiping other than the One God. In simple terms, they are performing Grave worship !

Now, to know what God has "achieved" by prophet Mohammad, at least look at the 5-times-a-day prayer that a believer performs. In that prayer, there are two parties only. The believer and The One God.

1. In that prayer a believer begins with the name and attributes of God. He recites  -

 In the Name of Allah (One God), the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Quran 1:1
 - There is no mentioning of any creations.

2. In that prayer a believer begins with the praise of God.

All praise and thanks be to Allah (One God), the Lord of all that exists. Quran 1:2
- There is no mentioning of any creations.

3. In that prayer a believer begins with the admiration of The Beautiful Attributes of God.

The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Quran 1:3
- There is no mentioning of any creations.

4. In that prayer a believer begins with The Glorification of God.

The Owner of the Day of Recompense. Quran 1:4
- There is no mentioning of any creations.

5. In that prayer a believer begins with a pledge with God -

You alone we worship, and You alone we ask for help. Quran 1:5
- There is no mentioning of any creations.


Above are the verses of the very first chapter of Glorious Quran. There is the only the mentioning of One God.

There is no third party middle-men or any man-made objects in between. To my knowledge, no religion under the sky practically promotes such a worship of One God without any intermediaries. That is why Quran said -

He it is Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to make it victorious over all religions (man made and lost religions) even though idolaters hate (it). Quran 61:9

- It is the One God who sent all the scriptures, sent the Glorious Quran, to revive the same old message of True Worship of One God.
- It is the One God who sent all the prophets, sent prophet Mohammad, to call the humanity to the same old message of True Worship of One God.

If you learn history, you can see that none other than the companions of prophet Muhammad (and those who truly followed him), worshiped One God only, without any man-made objects or middlemen. Just look who is performing the direct worship of One God mentioned in the Vedas, Bibles and Quran. 99% of them will be the followers of the final prophet.

So God did "achieve" by prophet Mohammad, what He intended. The followers went in wrong direction does not mean that Sri Krishna, Jesus etc did not do their job well.

will be continued ...

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