Tuesday, January 31, 2012

MAIL - 19 - Part - 9

I Wrote -

Dear Friend

The Principles of prophet Mohammad do not end with The Marriage Principles. It is followed by The Married Life Principles. Before we analyze the marriages of prophet Mohammad, what kind of married life principles that prophet Mohammad put forward, should be learned.

Married Life Principle - 1

One man asked prophet Mohammad -  "O Messenger of Allah! What is the right the wife of one of us has ?''

Prophet replied -  "To feed her when you eat, buy her clothes when you buy for yourself and to refrain from striking her on the face, cursing her or staying away from her except in the house."

- This is what prophet Mohammad meant by a married life.

Each of the above points have been extensively discussed by the scholars. Its length and breadth can never be seen in any ideology under the sky.

Married Life Principle - 2

"Whatever you spend will be considered a charity for you, even the mouthful of food you put in the mouth of your wife." - Prophet Mohammad.

- This is the level of intimation that prophet Mohammad advocated, to have with wife.

Married Life Principle - 3

"The perfect of Believers faith wise are the best of them in conduct. And the best of you are the best of you with their women" - Prophet Mohammad.

- Look at the rating of prophet Mohammad on being a best person means being best to wife.

Married Life Principle - 4

"Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend (to support them) from their means. Therefore the righteous women are obedient, and guard in the husband's absence what Allah orders them to guard." Quran 4:34.

Quran unambiguously puts the responsibility of the family on the shoulders of men and not on women. At the same time, Quran commands a wife to be righteous, obedient and guard their chastity in the absence of their husband.

- This is the kind of married life that prophet Mohammad put before this mankind.
Married Life Principle - 5

"The best women is she who when you look at her, she pleases you, when you command her she obeys you, and when you are absent, she protects her honor and your property." - Prophet Mohammad.

- Prophet Mohammad taught not only about The Best Husband but also about The Best Wife.

What you see is only a few samples from the 100s of Principles of Married life envisaged, practiced and put before this mankind, by prophet Mohammad.

People who scandalize the marriages of prophet Mohammad, when they hear about a second marriage -

- They think that it is just another servant at home.
- They think that it is just another woman at their disposal.
- They think that it is just another woman to impose their will.
- ...

Because, the people who scandalize the marriages of prophet Mohammad, only know what they know and don't know what prophet Mohammad meant by a married life.

The point is -

- If prophet Mohammad had lived with any woman as a husband, he fed her, clothed her, refrained from striking her etc etc.
- If prophet Mohammad had lived with any woman as a husband, he had that greatest intimacy with her.
- If prophet Mohammad had lived with any woman as a husband, he was The Best of Men by being The Best to his woman.
- If prophet Mohammad had lived with any woman as a husband, he was the protector and the maintainer of his woman.
- If prophet Mohammad had lived with any woman as a husband, he had The Best Woman as his wife.
- ...
- If prophet Mohammad had lived with any woman as a husband, then it was based on these kind of 100s of Married Life Principles.

will be continued ...

Saturday, January 28, 2012

MAIL - 19 - Part - 8

I Wrote -

Dear Friend

When one study the marriages of prophet Mohammad, there are two phases. First is the marriage of the man Mohammad and second is the marriages of prophet Mohammad.

Marriage of the Man Mohammad

The man Mohammad at his youth, was not affected by the before said Practices of Ignorance. At the age of 25, he married Kadeeja who was a widow, at her 40s. Kadeeja have had two marriages before. Both of her previous husbands had died and had children, before she married the man Muhammad.

Marriages of the Prophet Mohammad

At the age of 40, the man Mohammad became prophet Mohammad. Till his age of 50, prophet Mohammad had only one wife. Please note that, at this point of time prophet Mohammad had become The Head of The State of his country.

Here comes the importance and the facts of multiple marriages of prophet Mohammad. Before I start, I would like to ask you - what is meant by a marriage ?

- Is it a relationship only for meeting the Material Lust ?
- Is it a relationship only for acquiring the Wealth ?
- Is it a relationship only between the Same Aged ?
- Is it a Discardable relationship ?
- ...

The majority people who scandalizes the marriage of prophet Mohammad, only know these kind of standards to define what is meant by a marriage because -

- When they go for marriage, they strictly look for the Beauty.
- When they go for marriage, they strictly look for the Wealth.
- When they go for marriage, they strictly look for the Age.
- ...

So before one analyze the multiple marriages of prophet Mohammad, one should definitely understand two important things.

1. The Principles of Marriage by which prophet Mohammad did the marriages and commanded to follow.
2. The Socio-Political circumstances of the Head of The State prophet Mohammad, that necessitated the marriages.

Marriage Principle - 1

"A woman is married for four things, i.e., her wealth, her family status, her beauty and her religion. So you should marry the religious woman (otherwise) you will be a losers." - Prophet Mohammad.

So one should prefer a religious mate over a beautiful, wealthy mate. This does not mean that beauty and wealth etc should be completely overlooked. It does mean that one should look for a religiously disciplined mate, at the first place. Here the definition of religion most prominently include The Religion of Worship of One God without any man-made objects.

Marriage Principle - 2

And give to the women (whom you marry) their dowry with a good heart, but if they, of their own good pleasure, remit any part of it to you, take it, and enjoy it without fear of any harm. Quran 4:4

Quran teaches that The dowry should go from a man to woman (not from woman to man) and it is a must.

Marriage Principle - 3

"A matron (widow) should not be given in marriage except after consulting her; and a virgin should not be given in marriage except after her permission." The people asked, "O Allah's Apostle! How can we know her permission?" He said, "Her silence (indicates her permission)." - Prophet Mohammad.

- A woman should be married only after getting her consultation/permission. No force should be applied for marriage with anyone.

Marriage Principle - 4

"Beware of suspicion (about others), as suspicion is the falsest talk, and do not spy upon each other, and do not listen to the evil talk of the people about others' affairs, and do not have enmity with one another, but be brothers. And none should ask for the hand of a girl who is already engaged to his (Muslim) brother, but one should wait till the first suitor marries her or leaves her."  - Prophet Mohammad.

- If a marriage proposal is made then don't meddle with another proposal until the first one ceases.

Marriage Principle - 5

"The worst food is that of a wedding banquet to which only the rich are invited while the poor are not invited. And he who refuses an invitation (to a banquet) disobeys Allah and His Apostle." - Prophet Mohammad.

- The worst wedding lunch/dinner is the one to which only the rich are invited.

There are 100s of such principles set by prophet Mohammad. The people who scandalizes the marriages of the prophet, have not even seen or practice these kind of principles ever in their life.

The point is -

- If prophet Mohammad had married any woman then it was due to her religion and it was not due to wealth, family status or beauty.
- If prophet Mohammad had married any woman then he had given the dowry and he did not accept anything from the woman.
- If prophet Mohammad had married any woman then he had their consultation/permission.
- If prophet Mohammad had married any woman then he did it without any meddling.
- If prophet Mohammad had married any woman then he did it by inviting the rich and the poor.
- ...
- If prophet Mohammad had married any woman then it was based on these kind of 100s of Marriage Principles.

The above principles and its explanations are only a snapshot from the teachings of prophet Mohammad, its length and breadth can never be seen anywhere under the sky. Hence, before one look into the marriages of prophet Mohammad, one should first learn these invaluable Marriage Principles set by prophet Mohammad.

will be continued ...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

MAIL - 19 - Part - 7

I Wrote -

Dear Friend

Before one is about to know what was prophet Mohammad, a very brief view on The Period of Ignorance is a prerequisite.

History of pre-Islamic Arabia

The era of the Arabian peninsula, before the arrival of prophet Mohammad is known as the pre-Islamic Arabia or The Period of Ignorance.


Men  of WWWs. This was their title in the historical records. The people of Arabia were known as the men of  Wine-War-Women. They were known drunkards and a person who was on his death bed wrote a death-will that he should be buried under a grape tree so that he can have the grape wine after his death. They fought war for years just because a neighbor's camel ate something from his tree. When a woman prostitute was in one house, then they will erect a flag in front of the house to indicate that there is prostitute. A woman will have intercourse with many men and when the child is born all these men will come to her house and check the foot of the child. Whose foot matches the foot of the child will be declared as the father of the child. They were very reluctant to grow up baby girls. When a baby girl is born they ashamed to say it and it was common among them to bury baby girls under sand. There was not a central government. There were several tribes and for their tribe they will do whatever. It was the tribe’s leader who controlled their affairs.

On the other hand, they had displayed a remarkable trustworthiness in maintaining their tribal affairs. They perfectly maintained any agreements between different tribes. They were very fond of hosting guests.


They believed in One God but they worshiped idols. There were around 300 idols in the main city of Makkah. The most elite tribe was the Quraish, in which prophet Mohammed was born. The Quraish were one of the most elite tribe. They were in charge of The House-of-God (Ka’ba) where idols were placed. The main business was due to the pilgrimage from many surrounding places. People come to worship the idols there. Both Christian and Jewish communities where present in Arabia.


The Arabic language was in its full swing during this time. There were several poets and they were given big status. It is said that Arabic language was the most developed language during this time.


Slavery was very prevalent. Slaves were treated worse than their camels. The owners have full freedom do anything with their slave and even to kill them and nobody will question them. They used to sell and buy slaves just as any other commodities.

Birth of Prophet

In the middle of this period of ignorance , Prophet Muhammad was born in the desert of Makkah on 570 AD. His father was died before he born and when he reached around 7 years he mother also died. Hence he was brought up by his uncle. From the childhood itself he was an honest person. He was not affected by the criminal activities of this people. He was known as "Al Ameen" - the trustworthy among his surroundings.

Volumes of books have bee written on each of the above titles. As a whole, Quran addresses the plight of the people of that time in the below verse.

He it is Who sent among the unlettered ones a Messenger from among themselves, reciting to them His Ayat (verses of Quran), purifying them, and teaching them the Book and the Hikmah (Knowledge). And verily, they had been before in manifest error. Quran 62:2

People who studied the life of prophet Mohammad has written books that explains the plight of the 6th century people.

"The prevailing situation in Arabia made it impossible for a revolutionary change during the youth of Mohammad. Such a disappointing situation can never be seen anywhere in the history of Arabia." - William Muir, The Life of Mahomet - Vol. 1

will be continued ...

Saturday, January 21, 2012

MAIL - 19 - Part - 6

I Wrote -

Dear Friend

The remaining questions are related with the personality of prophet Mohammad. Before I start, I would like to remind you that what all things I explained or going to explain is from my limited knowledge. There will be more and more things that I could not or I cannot explain, due to my limited knowledge of each of the subjects. I am trying to understand things in my own capacity and share with you, rather than being a blind believer.

Prophet Mohammad lived for 23 years as a prophet in the 6th century. He had friends and foes. What all allegations made against prophet Mohammad was a recent inventions. None of the things you mentioned, was not raised against prophet Mohammad by his enemies in the 6th century.

At the outset, I would like to start with the following quote.

I have read in Moslem writings such deep and tender expressions of respect and reverence for Jesus that for the time I almost forgot, I was not reading the words of a Christian writer. How different, it is sad to say, has been the way in which Christians have spoken and written of Muhammad. Let us put it down to it’s true cause, ignorance.”  - Reverend R. Maxwell King

The above Reverend Maxwell's statement sheds the light to your question on why you heard the so called bad things about prophet Mohammad and why you did not hear any bad things about Jesus.

So it is the sheer ignorance on who was prophet Mohammad, for what he stood for and what he could achieve within a mere 23 years, that the said things seems to be allegations rather than facts. When one studies who was prophet Mohammad, they should have at least looked into the following things.

- Who was the man Mohammad (till his age of 40) ?
- Who was the prophet Mohammad and what he did for 23 years ?
- What did his relatives and friends said about him.
- What did foes and enemies said about him.
- What did other nations of 6th century told about him.

When prophet Mohammad had the first experience of Divine Revelation, he feared, came to his wife and explained to her, what happened. She said -

Khadija, his wife said, "Nay! But receive the good tidings ! By Allah, Allah will never disgrace you, for by Allah, you keep good relations with your Kith and kin, speak the truth, help the poor and the destitute, entertain your guests generously and assist those who are stricken with calamities."

Above was the comment from his wife. The above statement should be taken into account on the very fact that it is a person's better half who is the first authority to comment on a person's behavior.

Prophet Mohammad

Understanding the life of prophet Mohammad is a great deal of history. It cannot be confined to a single mail. Volumes of books have been written by both Muslims and non-Muslims.

In my understanding what you know about him is only a distorted picture, taken out of the context with 0% facts and 100% lies. But how you got the picture that you have? The reason is history. Very briefly I shall explain.

Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) is the father of Monotheism. He had two sons. Both of then were prophets. First is Ismael (Ishmael) and the second is Ishaq (Issac). Both this son had many children. These two sons historically became the father of children of Israel and the father of Arabs.

In the case of Ishaq, he had a great son named Ya'koob (Jacob). Ya'koob was a prophet and is famously known as Israel or the father of Israel. Ya'koob had 12 children and the Jews now we see are the children of these 12 sons of Jacob.

God sent many prophet to the children of Israel. Prominent prophets include Musa (Moses) and Isa (Jesus). All this prophets were sent to children of Israel. Moses was given Torah and Isa (Jesus) was given Injeel (The Gospel of Jesus). Both of these scriptures clearly mentioned the coming of the final prophet and contained a very clear instruction to follow the final messenger when he comes. Jesus clearly taught his disciples about the coming of the final messenger.  The people of that time agreed this and passed to their succeeding generations. After the prophet Isa (Jesus) went from this world, after 5 centuries later, came the final messenger Muhammad. He testified that all the previous prophets including Musa (Moses) and Isa (Jesus) and their scriptures to be the true word from One God. The Jews and the Christians were well aware of the coming of the final prophet.

The important point here is that prophet Muhammad came from the decedents of Ismael. Clearly prophet Muhammad was an Arab. Just because he was an Arab and he did not belong to the clan of children of Israel, the then Jews and the Christians rejected him.

And when there came to them a Messenger from Allah (i.e. Muhammad) confirming what was with them, a party of those who were given the Scripture threw away the Book of Allah (One God) behind their backs as if they did not know ! Quran (2:101)

From there they started the enmity towards the prophet Muhammad. They objected prophet Mohammad not ideologically but by physical confrontation. And for that, prophet Mohammad had to defend himself and his followers.

Please note that note every Jews and Christians denied him. Those Jews and Christians who favored God's word accepted him as the final messenger of God. The 6th century king of Ethiopia accepted the prophet Mohammad.

"O Ethiopians, monks and priests ! By Allah (One God), what they say about `Isa (Jesus) is no more than what we say about him, not even a difference that equals this straw. You are welcomed among us, and greetings to him who sent you. I bear witness that he is Allah's Messenger whom we read about in the Injil (Gospel of Jesus)." - Najashi, The Christian King of 6th century Ethiopia.

There is an in depth history. To sum up,  what you know about prophet Muhammad till now is what the lies propagated by the majority of these people. But those among the Christians who identified the prophet Mohammed, they accepted Islam. Thus, embracing Islam by the learned Christian scholars and other common people has been a phenomena from the 6th century to this 21st century and it continues. 

If you check who represent Islam today in United States, you can see that all the major figures are from the Christian background.  It includes figures like Khalid Yaseen, Yousuf Estes, Hamza Yousuf Hanson, Suhaib Webb etc.

will be continued...

Sunday, January 15, 2012

MAIL - 19 - Part - 5

I Wrote -

Dear Friend
>> 6. Some people born in MUSLIM family and by birth they get chance to learn the so called book that will give them heaven. Some like us are born in HINDU family and most of them for that reason are not given first option and in your words are misguided against QURAN and they will go to HELL. Funny isn't it ?? It is like some are born for heaven and other are born for hell and the latter group should first learn what they follow is wrong and then understand QURAN and then etc etc and finally will get heaven.

No babe is born but upon Fitra. It is his parents who make him a Jew or a Christian or a Polytheist." - prophet Mohammad

- Islam teaches that every born baby on earth is born in a state of Fitra, i.e in a State of Complete Submission to God.
- From this state, it is the parents who lead the child, to ways other than The Complete Submission to God.

So precisely,

- Each and every baby is born as a Muslim !
A new born is a Muslim in the exact sense of Complete Submission to God and it does not matter in which religion/community/language/country etc etc the baby is born.

Please understand this very clearly that -

- Simply being born in a Muslim family is not the end-result; it is only a slight advantage with immense responsibility.
This very discussion is only a little effort in discharging that responsibility.

Now, if you ask me why people are born in different religion, first of all, it is not the religion that only matters, there are many-many other things that matters.
- Some people are born as female and some are born as male. This happens before being religious. Think, what is the criteria here ?- There are people who are born in rich family and some are born in poor family. This happens before being religious. Think, what is the criteria here ?
- There are people who are born in developed countries and some are born in under-developed countries.
This happens before being religious. Think, what is the criteria here ?
- ...
- ...
- ...

What is the criteria for all these disparities or diversities ? My answer is  - It is God's decision, He only fully knows it and His decision is The Best.

- If you ask why I born as a Male instead as a Female ?
My answer is  - It is God's decision, He only fully knows it and His decision is The Best.

- If you ask why I born in India instead of any other country ?
My answer is  - It is God's decision, He only fully knows it and His decision is The Best.

- If you ask why I born in a Muslim family instead of any other religious family ?
My answer is  - It is God's decision, He only fully knows it and His decision is The Best.

The Criteria for Salvation

Being born in to any family/community/country etc is not the criteria for getting heaven or hell.

Verily, those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in Allah (One God) and the Last Day and does righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
Quran 2:62

Irrespective of the identity, Quran put forwards mainly three criterion for getting the salvation.

1. Believe in One God.
2. Believe in the Last Day of Judgement.
3. Do Righteous Deeds.

Here come the questions -

How one should believe in God ?
How one should believe in the Last Day ?
What is a Righteous Deed ?

- It is to teach these three things, prophets were sent to all nations.
- It is to further take forward and preserve these three things, the teachings were recorded in scriptures.

>> It is like some are born for heaven and other are born for hell
Absolutely NO. The very brief explanation above proves that. God has given you the wisdom, intellect, power of discretion etc and you need to use it.

>>and in your words are misguided against QURAN and they will go to HELL.
It is not in my words and it is not only as per Quran. It is as per the verses from the scriptures of the respective religion, I said, they are deviated from the true path of Worship of One God without any man-made objects or other intermediaries.

will be continued ...

Friday, January 13, 2012

MAIL - 19 - Part - 4

I Wrote -

Dear Friend

5. I could not believe like God could not achieve through Krishna or then Jesus and and then he went for prophet Muhammad. That sounds like he had to give more trys to get something corrected. Really ??

God is unimaginably superior to His creations. It is not God tried multiple times; rather God bestowed multiple tries to humans to correct themselves.

Our Creator, the Lord of the Universe, has nothing to gain or lose with respect to what His creations do. He is well above all such needs.

To know what God has "achieved" by prophet Mohammad, just look at the practices of Worship of God by various communities today.

As per the Vedas, a born person cannot be the God.

He is One and only One, Sustains entire universe, Omnipresent, Formless, All-Powerful, Perfect, Omniscient, Unborn, Eternal and supports us always. He alone should be worshiped. Yajurveda 40:8

Now think, how many people worship the Unborn God and how many people worship born gods ? This is sufficient to prove that most of the people are deviated from what Vedas taught. The same is applicable to most of the people whom we call Christians and Muslims.

Look at Sri Narayana Guru. He invited people to "One God, One Religion". What what is happening now? After Guru passed away, followers created the Idols of Guru and worship the Guru himself !!

In the case of Jesus also the same thing happened. Jesus called the children of Israel to One God (the first commandment). If we look at the Christians, they are not worshiping the One God, instead they are worshiping the Jesus himself by his idols ! Or they are presuming the worship of One God by worshiping Jesus. In Muslim community also there are number of name-sake people who are worshiping other than the One God. In simple terms, they are performing Grave worship !

Now, to know what God has "achieved" by prophet Mohammad, at least look at the 5-times-a-day prayer that a believer performs. In that prayer, there are two parties only. The believer and The One God.

1. In that prayer a believer begins with the name and attributes of God. He recites  -

 In the Name of Allah (One God), the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Quran 1:1
 - There is no mentioning of any creations.

2. In that prayer a believer begins with the praise of God.

All praise and thanks be to Allah (One God), the Lord of all that exists. Quran 1:2
- There is no mentioning of any creations.

3. In that prayer a believer begins with the admiration of The Beautiful Attributes of God.

The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Quran 1:3
- There is no mentioning of any creations.

4. In that prayer a believer begins with The Glorification of God.

The Owner of the Day of Recompense. Quran 1:4
- There is no mentioning of any creations.

5. In that prayer a believer begins with a pledge with God -

You alone we worship, and You alone we ask for help. Quran 1:5
- There is no mentioning of any creations.


Above are the verses of the very first chapter of Glorious Quran. There is the only the mentioning of One God.

There is no third party middle-men or any man-made objects in between. To my knowledge, no religion under the sky practically promotes such a worship of One God without any intermediaries. That is why Quran said -

He it is Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to make it victorious over all religions (man made and lost religions) even though idolaters hate (it). Quran 61:9

- It is the One God who sent all the scriptures, sent the Glorious Quran, to revive the same old message of True Worship of One God.
- It is the One God who sent all the prophets, sent prophet Mohammad, to call the humanity to the same old message of True Worship of One God.

If you learn history, you can see that none other than the companions of prophet Muhammad (and those who truly followed him), worshiped One God only, without any man-made objects or middlemen. Just look who is performing the direct worship of One God mentioned in the Vedas, Bibles and Quran. 99% of them will be the followers of the final prophet.

So God did "achieve" by prophet Mohammad, what He intended. The followers went in wrong direction does not mean that Sri Krishna, Jesus etc did not do their job well.

will be continued ...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

MAIL - 19 - Part - 3

I Wrote -

Dear Friend

2. If the intention of God was to correct or add new verses etc why he didn't upgrade the existing version like VEDAS ?? You also agree VEDAS and initial word from GOD.
Being The Final revelation, Quran is the upgraded version of all the scriptures.

And We have sent down to you the Book (this Qur'an) in truth, confirming the Scripture that came before it and Muhayminan (Trustworthy) over it (old Scriptures). Quran 5:48

- Quran makes very-well clear that it confirms all the previous scriptures.
- Quran introduces itself as The Trustworthy over The Old Scriptures.
- Fundamentally, Quran did not bring anything new from what the previous scriptures brought.

Changing of the language does not make big difference given the fact that the fundamental messages of the scriptures are same. If we can learn Japanese for material benefits, I think, we can study any language under the sky.

3. Seven readings for seven different tribes or whatever. What about others ?? At the same time GOD could have created for all human beings existing at that time. GOD does not have limitations . They why didn't he ??

In order to bring up a generation who were perfectly built upon the teachings of Quran, seven readings were required. To deliver the message of Quran to others, prophet Mohammad brought up a generation of people who were sent to different parts of the world, to deliver the message.

- Among many others, prophet Mohammad had invited the Roman and the Persian kings to the message of The Complete Submission to The Commands of God.
  - Some of these kings accepted the invitation and they submitted their life to Almighty God.
  - Some of these kings rejected the invitation by even killing the companions who delivered the message.

Some of them accepted the message -

"O Ethiopians, monks and priests ! By Allah (One God), what they say about `Isa (Jesus) is no more than what we say about him, not even a difference that equals this straw. You are welcomed among us, and greetings to him who sent you. I bear witness that he is Allah's Messenger whom we read about in the Injil (Gospel of Jesus)." - Najashi, The Christian King of 6th century Ethiopia.

- The king of Ethiopia accepted the message of One God, by prophet Mohammad who testified Jesus.

Some of them rejected the message -

And when it is said to them, "Believe in what Allah (One God) has sent down,'' they say, "We believe in what was sent down to us.'' And they disbelieve in that which came after it, while it is the truth  confirming what is with them. Quran 2:91

- People among the Jews, rejected the message of One God, by prophet Mohammad who testified Moses.

4. Many people lived at that same time and they don't know about that or understand. What about them ? They are not supposed to go to heaven. There is an argument like if they do not know then it is not a problem. But GOD could have let them also. Again GOD has no limitations rt?

Quran has unambiguously made it clear that prophets were sent to all nations that existed on this planet.

... And We never punish until We have sent a Messenger (to give warning). Quran 17:15

- To every community, messengers were sent, to invite them to the True Worship of One God, without using any man-made objects.
- Multiple messengers were even sent to the same community at the same time.

Again, we see

O Messenger! Convey what has been sent down to you from your Lord. And if you do not, then you have not conveyed His Message. Allah will protect you from mankind. Quran 5:67

- Prophet Mohammad delivered The Message of One God, to the different corners of the world.

Because prophet Mohammad delivered The Message of One God, world-wide, these kind of discussions happen round the world.

will be continued ...

Friday, January 6, 2012

MAIL - 19 - Part - 2 - Info

One of My Friend Wrote -
I was surprised, how the believes are different :) In the catholic or christian (they have difference in some aspects) belief, the one who will come after Christ is not Mohammed, it is not even a human... :) Its holy spirit, The powerful Councillor who helps out in our every situation.

Dear Friend
Thanks for your comment.
The Biblical scholars do not agree on it. If they agree that it is prophet Mohammad, then what is the point ? :)

As per the Christian belief, the God consists of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.  Now let us look at the verse.

"When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me. And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning." John 15:26-27

Here Jesus is talking about a personality that is yet to come. If it was the Holy Spirit, then the Holy spirit was already there, as part of the Trinity and no need to come again. It is clearly said that "he will testify about me".

- If it was the unseen Holy Spirit, then how Holy Spirit testified Jesus ?
Furthermore, the Holy Spirit was present before Jesus came into this world. When John The Baptist (who came before Jesus) was about to be born,  the Holy Spirit was present on that time.

"He will be a joy and delight to you, and many will rejoice because of his birth, for he will be great in the sight of the Lord. He is never to take wine or other fermented drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even from birth." Luke 1:14-15

It is also quite evident from other Biblical verses that the Holy Spirit was present before Jesus came.
The point is, if there were any prophet who testified Jesus, after his departure from this world, then it was prophet Mohammad and no one else.

(Remember) when the angels said: "O Maryam (Marry) ! Verily, Allah gives you the glad tidings of a Word from Him, his name will be Al-Masih (The Messiah), Isa, the son of Maryam (Jesus son of Marry), held in honor in this world and in the Hereafter, and he will be one of those who are near to Allah (One God).'' Quran 3:45

- It was prophet Mohammad who truly testified Jesus and his teachings, after almost 5 centuries after the departure of Jesus.

Again, we see in The Bible -

"I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come." John 16:12-13

- A truth seeker asks when did 'he' came ?
- A truth seeker asks what did 'he' speak and where it is available today ?
- A truth seeker asks what did 'he' tell on 'what is yet to come.'  ?
If one studies the life of prophet Mohammad, then it can be seen that, what Jesus predicted, came through the tongue and actions of prophet Mohammad.

- Prophet Mohammad declared that he was a messenger of God, after Jesus.
- Prophet Mohammad recited, explained and implemented the Glorious Quran that contains extensive guidelines for all the corners of life.
- Prophet Mohammad extensively talked on The Last Hour, on The Day of Judgement, on The Antichrist, on The Return of Jesus, among many other things.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

MAIL - 19 - Part - 2

I Wrote -

Dear Friend

Only QURAN seems to say all are from single God

No. In all the scriptures, one can see a common message. That is about The True Worship of God without any man-made objects. This is the first lesson that anybody can see in the scriptures that exists today.

Fundamentally, this True Mode of Worship of God, testifies the fact that all of the scriptures came from the same source.

Now, Quran teaches that the coming of the final messenger, was foretold by previous messengers of God.

And (remember) when Isa, son of Maryam, (Jesus son of Marry) said: "O Children of Israel! I am the Messenger of Allah unto you, confirming the Tawrah ( The Gospel of Moses which came) before me, and giving glad tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad. Quran 61:6

- The above verse teaches that Jesus had predicted the coming of a final prophet named Ahmad i.e. prophet Mohammad.

Bible says -

"When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me. And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning." John 15:26-27

- Jesus had predicted the arrival of a counselor who will testify him.
- Jesus had commanded his followers - "And you also must testify".

That is why prophet Mohammad said -

"I am the (result of the) invocation made to Allah (One God) from my father Ibrahim (Abraham) and the good news Isa (Jesus) delivered." - Prophet Mohammad.

- If there were any messenger who testified Jesus, then it was prophet Mohammad.
- Quran and prophetic sayings, have an extensive record on prophet Jesus, from birth to his departure from this world to his return to this world for the second time.

Why God created different versions

And We sent not a Messenger except with the language of his people, in order that he might make (the Message) clear for them.... Quran 14:4

- Every messenger was sent, not only in the language of the people to whom they were sent but also from among the people to whom they were sent.
- Every messenger was sent in the language of the people "in order that he might make (the Message) clear for them".

Why God stopped with Prophet Mohammed ??

Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the last of the Prophets. And Allah is Ever All-Aware of everything. Quran 33:40

- Firstly, prophet Mohammad was the final messenger of God.
- Secondly the protection of Quran was taken by God himself as it is explained before.

God stopped with prophet Mohammad because Quran contains guidance for all the corners of life. Prophet Mohammad exemplified the teachings of Quran.

- He lived as the best husband.
- He lived as the best father.
- He lived as the best neighbor.
- He lived as the best businessman.
- He lived as the best soldier.
- He lived as the best Ruler.
- ...

God stopped with prophet Mohammad because we are living in the end-times. Quran teaches that this world will be brought to an end and the mankind will be brought before The Court of Justice of Almighty God. Quran and prophetic sayings have extensively said about the eventualities in the end-time. For example -

When the heaven is cleft asunder (i.e. skies will be split). And when the stars will be fallen. And when the seas burst forth. And when the graves will be searched (people will come out of graves). A person will know what he has sent forward and left behind. O man ! What has made you careless about your Lord, the Most Generous Who created you, fashioned you perfectly, and gave you due proportion. Quran 82:1-7

The above verse talks about one of the coming eventualities of end-time, in this world.

Ok corrupted , why din't he take counter actions before  ??

Yes. God did take counter measures.

Then We sent Our Messengers in succession. Every time there came to a nation their Messenger, they denied him; so, We made them follow one another, and We made them as Ahadith (destroyed). So, away with a people who believe not! Quran 23:44

- Almighty God gave every nation that lived on this earth, an opportunity to lead a righteous life. For that, He sent messengers.
- Each time, when they exceeded the limits of God, after many times of forgiveness from God, He destroyed them. Quran has a detailed record on such destroyed nations and generations.

He missed earlier ??
No. God did not miss anything. It is the mankind who missed The True Mode of Worship of God, by corrupting the scriptures of God. That is why the protection of Quran is not held in the hands of humans, as in the case of previous scriptures.

Verily, We, it is We Who revealed the Dhikr (i.e. the Qur'an) and surely We will guard it (from corruption). Quran 15:9

Only because God took the protection of Quran,

- It survived 14 centuries without any change.
- It survived 14 centuries without any addition or deletion of any word/verse.
- It survived 14 centuries without losing the interpretation of any word/verse.
- It survived 14 centuries without losing how a generation of people lived according to its teachings.

will be continued ...

Monday, January 2, 2012

MAIL - 19 - Part - 1

I Wrote -
Dear Friend

Let me begin with The Universal Message of Glorious Quran.

Say (O Muslims): "We believe in Allah (One God) and that which has been sent down to us and that which has been sent down to Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail (Ishmael), Ishaq (Isaac), Yaqub (Jacob), and to Al-Asbat (the offspring of the twelve sons of Yaqub), and that which has been given to Musa (Moses) and `Isa (Jesus), and that which has been given to the Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we have submitted (in Islam).''. Quran 2:136

This is the basic belief of a Muslim.

- A Muslim believes in One God Who created all that exists.
- A Muslim believes in Adam, Noah, Abraham ..., Moses, Jesus and Mohammad.
- A Muslim believes in all the scriptures of God, including the final revelation, the Glorious Quran.
- A Muslim does not discriminate any messengers or any scriptures of God.

And you feel that it is a broadminded view, that is good.

What do you think these eminent scholars of so called Christianity and HINDUISM are ignorant and or otherwise they have learned but are hiding the actual truth ?

O you who believe! Verily, there are many of the Ahbar (Jewish rabbis) and the Ruhban (Christian monks) who consume the wealth of mankind in falsehood, and hinder (them) from the way of  Allah (One God). And those who hoard up gold and silver and spend them not in the way of Allah (One God), announce unto them a painful torment. Quran 9:34

Quran clearly teaches that the scholars of these religions have been eating the the wealth of mankind by misguiding them to the worship of idols, images, graves and without directing them to the True Worship of God.

These eminent scholars of Hinduism and Christianity are not ignorant; they are well-educated. But they are hiding the actual truth, they are consuming the wealth of poor believers who blindly follow them.

Worship of God in Hinduism
From the verses of Vedas and Upanishads, it is very clear that worship of God should not be done using Idols, images and other man-made objects. But what is happening today in Hinduism ?

- Without idols and images, there is no Hinduism in practice.

Look at the word 'Hindu'. As I said, it came into existence on a specific point of time. What can we call the people who lived and worshiped God, before the word 'Hindu' came into existence ? The very word 'Hindu' does mean that something is missing.

Worship of God in Christianity
From the verses of The Bible, it is very clear that the worship of God should not be done using Idols, images and other man-made objects. But what is happening today in Christianity ?
- Without the idols and images of Jesus, there is no Christianity in practice.

Look at the word 'Christianity'. It came into existence only after the arrival of Jesus, at a specific point of time.
What can we call the people who lived and worshiped God, before the word 'Christianity' came into existence ? The very word 'Christianity' does mean that something is missing.

And hence, it is very clear that the so called scholars are misguiding the followers in the way of True Worship of One God.
Worship of God in Islam

Worship of God in Islam does not require any idol, image ..., any man-made object. Mosque is only a designated place of worship, it is not a must, it is highly recommended. Islam teaches that -

- A believer can
worship God from Mosque.
- A believer can worship God from home.
- A believer can worship God while traveling by horse, car, train, ship etc.- A believer can worship God from any clean place on earth.- A believer can worship God from his bed while he is sick.- A believer can worship God when he is fighting the enemy in war.
- ...

All these modes are possible because there is no need of any man-made object for worship.

- In Islam, there is nothing to go out, because there is only One God and the worshiper and nothing in-between.

Look at the word 'Islam'. As I said earlier, it does not signify any point of time. Islam teaches that all the humans, from his inception on this planet earth, who worshiped One God, were following Islam and that they were Muslims.
The very word 'Islam' does signify that it encompasses everything.

Now, Quran teaches that Islam is the religion of all the creatures of this universe, in the exact sense of submission to the commands of One God.

Do they seek other than the religion of Allah (One God), while to Him submitted ( as Muslim ) all creatures in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly. And to Him shall they all be returned. Quran 3:83

Here again,
the word 'Islam' does signify that it encompasses everything in the way of Complete Submission to The Commands of God.

So what I have to say that,

- At one hand, the scholars of Hinduism and Christianity are hiding the real mode of worship by misguiding the followers to the worship of idols, images and other man-made objects.

- On the other hand, these scholars miss Islam as the religion of all humans who rightly worshiped one God, who followed the messengers of God and who submitted their life to the commands of God, right from the beginning of human life on the planet earth.

As per you only ISLAM is the righteous way because it is the last revelation (something is missing in old scriptures or it is corrupted).
It is not as per me. As per the True Message of the scriptures of God, Islam with the meaning 'The peace obtained by fully submitting to the commands of God', Islam, by recognizing all the messenger of God, Islam, by recognizing all the scriptures of God, is the righteous way.

- The Hindus, they don't know the fact that The Bible and and the Quran are from the same source that revealed Vedas.
- The Christians
, they don't know the fact that The Vedas and Quran are from the same source that revealed The Gospel Of Moses and Jesus.
- The Muslims, they do know that all the scriptures including The Vedas, The Gospels and The Quran are from
same source.
In terms of how it is seen today , VEDAS are for Hindus , QURAN for Muslim and BIBLE for Christians. I am not talking the broad minded view. Common mans view point.
Yes you are right. A common man does not have this knowledge.  Because -

- A Muslim is not learning The Quran. He only heard about a book named Quran without knowing what is inside.
- A Hindu is not learning The Vedas.
- A Christian is not learning The Bible.

I hope, the so far explanations and the fact that all the scriptures came from the
same source, should give you some sense. Such a belief can only unite the mankind right ?
Regarding the corruption of scholars, I would like to say a few more points.

- There are the so called Islamic scholars who are misguiding the ignorant Muslims to the Grave Worship. They are eating the money of ignorant Muslims in the name of religion. All these Dargas, newly invented rituals and all, are just to eat the money of ignorant/heedless name-sake Muslims.

- In the case of Hindu community in India, had the Vedic scholars did their job then there would not be any caste system. That is why Swami Vivekananda said, Kerala Is a Mental Asylum, Dr Ambedkar wrote book on how to eradicate caste system etc.

- Had the Christian priests taught the ruling Americans, the principles of Jesus, there would not be the mass murdering of children, women and old people in Iraq and Afghanistan and other places.

Just because a scholar (whoever be it) said, does not mean that it is from religion, it should be supported by the scripture.  If a scholar gives you some money and say that is Rs 1000. When you counted, you understood that it is only Rs. 950. What would you believe? The scholar or your intellect? Definitely you will go for your intellect. Even it is said by one thousand scholars, you are not going to believe. The reason is, you have learned how to count money. The same is true for religion also. If you don't know how to "count" religion, then you have the only option of blindly following them. It may or may not be correct.

For a case study, you learn about the worship of God, His attributes from Vedas, from its verses (not from the writing of the so called scholars) and then ask the same to some scholars of  Hinduism. When I read the Vedic explanation of the attributes of God I was really stuck. It clearly matches that of what is explained in The Bible and Quran and this is one of the reason that led me to believe that there is not doubt that the Vedas are from God.

will be continued ...