Wednesday, December 14, 2011

MAIL - 15 - Part - 2

I Wrote -

Dear Friend

Mentioning of the amazing scientific facts before 14 hundred years ago, does not ensure that Quran is not manipulated. Here comes the importance of The Compilation of Quran and its interpretation.

1. Compilation of Quran

Even though prophet Mohammad was neither able to write nor able to read, he had appointed scribes who recorded the verses of Quran on the available mediums in the 6th century. The primary medium of recording the Quranic texts was of course by remembering. But at the same time multiple scribes appointed by prophet Mohammad, recorded the verses of Quran in writing. The full history of the persons involved in this recording process, are available today.

- This kind of Recording of the Scripture, cannot be seen in the case of any other scriptures that is available today.
For example, The New Testament was written, couple of decades after Jesus Christ.

2. Context of Revelation of Quranic Verses

When a verse is taken, its context of revelation should be studied to understand what the verse really mean. The context of revelation of Quranic verses are available today.

- This kind of availability of The Context of Revelation of the verses of the scripture, cannot be seen in the case of any other scriptures that is available today.

3. Order of Revelation of Quranic Verses

The order of the revelation of Quranic chapters and verses are available today. It is not written by a later generation. It was directed by prophet Mohammad himself, during his life time.

- This kind of availability of The Order of Revelation of the verses of the scripture, cannot be seen in the case of any other scriptures that is available today.

4. Interpretation of Quranic Verses

When a verse is taken from Quran, its interpretation given by prophet Mohammad is fully available today. No verse is interpreted by any other person other than prophet Mohammad.

- This kind of preservation of The Interpretation of Scripture, cannot be seen in the case of any other scriptures that is available today.

For each of the above points, volumes of books are available today. These books does not contain the opinion of authors of those books; instead, it explains what prophet Mohammad said on each of the above points. You can check the above four parameters with any of the scripture that is available today. You can see that Quran is the only scripture that meets the above criteria.

will be continued...

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