One of My Friend Commented -
Regarding the YouTube video, I will listen when I get time. It should be sharing of vulgar-religious thoughts.
> Discussion on Idols.
Your thoughts are baseless. Let me ask you a question. Suppose
you have a picture of your wife when you are abroad. When you want to
see her face, your only way is to look at the picture. You will feel her
presence to some extend. And your eyes may comes wet or shining due to
your love towards her. Can I say like, you are loving the paper on which
the photo is printed ? Can I say like you are loving the ink used for
printing the photo? The point is, it is up to your mind, which will
decide whether you are worshiping God or Idol.
> Your quotes from Bible
Then comes to your statements quoted from Bible. Your
statement is taken from Old testaments which is written in very early
stages of civilization. These words comes when people started worshiping
materials made by God (rocks, snakes etc) instead of God. You should
check the situation where the words comes from before going for blind
interpretation. I suggest you to read new testaments if you want to get
real message of Christianity. i.e. Love. No rules can be defined in
front of Love. You are wrong in interpreting Bible. The new
testaments is the sole of Christianity which teaches people to love
rather than judging people with idiotic rules. Love will solve every
problems in this world.
Dear Friend
Thank you very much for your comments.
briefly, the message of the speech is the reflection of the following
verse of the Quran.
Say (O Muslims): "We believe in Allah (One God) and that which has been sent down to us and that
which has been sent down to Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail (Ishmael), Ishaq
(Isaac), Yaqub (Jacob), and to Al-Asbat (the offspring of the twelve
sons of Yaqub), and that which has been given to Musa (Moses) and `Isa (Jesus), and that which has been given to the Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we have submitted (in Islam).'' Quran 2:136
- I believe in One God and worship Only One God. Is this a vulgar thought ?
- I believe in prophet Abraham. Is this a vulgar thought ?
- I believe in prophet Ishmael. Is this a vulgar thought ?
- I believe in prophet Isaac. Is this a vulgar thought ?
- I believe in prophet Jacob. Is this a vulgar thought ?
- I believe in prophet Moses. Is this a vulgar thought ?
- I believe in prophet Jesus. Is this a vulgar thought ?
- I believe in The Final Testament, Quran. Is this a vulgar thought ?
- I believe in final prophet, Mohammad. Is this a vulgar thought ?
- I make no distinction between any of the prophets of God. Is this a vulgar thought ?
Please let me know what makes vulgar here, if you still feel that it is vlugar.
>>Suppose you have a picture of your wife when you are abroad.
Looking at photo of wife is of course part of love. There is no disagreement.
What about a person who by looking at the photo of his wife, prays to that photo ? Please think whether it is Love or Worship.
Please understand that Love and Worship are different and they are not at all same.
One should love their parents, wife, children does not mean that they
are worshiping them. It is perfectly OK to love them and you and I
should do that.
- One should love God, does mean that they should Worship God, as required by Him.
Let me ask you -
What about a person who by looking at the photo of his wife, praying that "Please Cure My Disease" ?
Is it OK ? Is it Love or Is it Worship ? This is the point that you should think about.
Is this a baseless thought ? Isn't this a base thought ? Please ponder upon it.
>>Your statement is taken from Old testaments which is written in very early stages of civilization.
First of all, let me ask you, to whom Jesus Christ was sent ?
He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel." Matthew 15:24
Again -
For I tell you that Christ has become a servant of the Jews
on behalf of God's truth, to confirm the promises made to the
patriarchs so that the Gentiles may glorify God for his mercy, as it is
written: "Therefore I will praise you among the Gentiles; I will sing
hymns to your name." Romans 15:8
From the New Testament, it is very well clear that Jesus Christ was sent
to the House of Israel. Now one need to look at the historical context
of the situation when Jesus Christ was deployed.
The Historical Context When Jesus Was Sent
You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. John 4:22
Clarke's Commentary on the Bible
"Ye worship ye know not what - The Samaritans believed in the same God with the Jews; but, as they rejected all the prophetical writings, they had but an imperfect knowledge of the Deity: besides, as they incorporated the worship of idols with his worship, they might be justly said to worship him whom they did not properly know."
Dear friend, this is not my commentary or my interpretation and it is from The New Testament.
- They incorporated the worship of idols with his worship.
- They justified their worship of idols by saying that in fact they are worshiping One God.
The very context when Jesus Christ was sent, primarily include they incorporated the worship of idols with his worship. Please try to understand it and it is not my interpretation.
>>These words comes when people started worshiping materials made by God (rocks, snakes etc) instead of God.
No. Not At All. Look at Clarke's commentary on the Biblical verse of John 4:22. They not at all treated the rocks and snakes as another god.
Barnes' Notes on the Bible
"Ye worship ye know not what - This probably refers to the comparative
ignorance and corruption of the Samaritan worship. Though they received
the five books of Moses, yet they rejected the prophets, and of course
all that the prophets had said respecting the true God. Originally,
also, they had joined the worship of idols to that of the true God."
In the interpretation of John 4:22, Barnes says they had joined the worship of idols to that of the true God. Please try to understand it and it is not my interpretation.
Who Were The Samaritans mentioned in John 4:22 ?
I request you to learn and understand who were the Samaritans that is mentioned in John 4:22. You can see that they were a corrupted group among the Jews. They were part of The Lost Sheep Of Israel to whom Jesus Christ was sent. The were corrupted people who associated Idols in the worship of True God.
Again -
When God raised up his servant, he sent him first to you to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways. Acts 3:26
What Was This Wicked Ways ?
I request you to learn what was the most wicked ways that is mentioned in the Acts 3:26. You can see that the most wicked ways of the children of Israel was that they associated idols in the true worship of God. They did never-ever believe that those idols are other gods.
>>Your statement is taken from Old testaments which is written in very early stages of civilization.
So are you going to say that Old testaments are not at all valid for today ?
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." Matthew 5:17
- Jesus Christ never did reject previous prophets of God or their scriptures.
- Then on what basis you out-rightly set aside the Old testaments ?
>>These words comes when people started worshiping materials made by God (rocks, snakes etc) instead of God.
Partially Correct. They represented God by the means of idols, stones etc etc.
- They did not think that these stones were Gods.
- This is why I said, it is partially correct.
Therefore since we are God's offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone--an image made by man's design and skill. Acts 17:29
The above verse is from New Testament.
Clarke's Commentary on the Bible
"He from whom we have derived that being must be living and intelligent. It is necessary, also, that the object of religious worship should be much more excellent than the worshiper; but a
man is, by innumerable degrees, more excellent than an image made out
of gold, silver, or stone; and yet it would be impious to worship a man: how much more so to worship these images as gods!"
I don't have to explain what Clarke said above.
Please think about the object of religious worship should be much more excellent than the worshiper.
Please think how these Idols and images can be More Excellent than the man who is by innumerable degrees, more excellent than an image made out of gold, silver, or stone
- The Object of religious worship should be much more excellent than the worshiper.
- The idols and images are inferior objects when compared to the man who is excellent.
Don't get deluded by illogical thoughts. Think about the interpretation of Clarke. Please try to understand it and it is not my interpretation.
Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary
"The more intelligent pagan Greeks no more pretended that these sculptured gods and goddesses were real deities, or even their actual likenesses, than Romanist Christians do their images; and Paul doubtless knew this; yet here we find him condemning all such efforts visibly to represent the invisible God. How shamefully inexcusable then are the Greek and Roman churches in paganizing the worship of the Christian Church by the encouragement of pictures and images in religious service! (In the eighth century, the second council of Nicea decreed that the image of God was as proper an object of worship as God Himself)."
Read the above
commentary couple of times and let me know your comments. Please learn
when did the Church authorized the usage of Idols and images for
worshiping the True God. From the above, it is very clear that -
- Jesus Christ did not promote the worship of God by Idols, images etc. He was against it.
- None of the early generations of Jesus Christ used idols, images etc to worship the True God.
- It is In the eighth century, the second council of Nicea decreed that the image of God was as proper an object of worship as God Himself
>>I suggest you to read new testaments if you want to get real message of Christianity. i.e. Love.
First of all let me ask you, to whom one should Love most ?
doubt, that one should love their God who created them. This does not
mean that one should not love their parents, children. It means the
first preference is for God and that is exactly The First Commandment.
How One Should Love God ?
"One of the
scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing
that he answered them well, asked him, "Which commandment is the first of all?"
Jesus answered, "The first is, `Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one; and you shall love the Lord your God
with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind,
and with all your strength." Mark 28-30
- Jesus Christ taught that One should express their Love with all your heart.
- Jesus Christ taught that One should express their Love with all your soul.
- Jesus Christ taught that One should express their Love with all your mind.
- Jesus Christ taught that One should express their Love with all your strength.
There are no idols, images etc etc. The love requires heart, soul, mind and strength. The Love does not require idols, images etc.
>>The new
testaments is the sole of Christianity which teaches people to love
rather than judging people with idiotic rules. Love will solve every
problems in this world.
True Words but Wrong Sense. Let me ask you -
What Is This Love ?
“If a man love me, he will keep my words:
and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our
abode with him.” John 14:23.
This is again from The New Testament.
- If a man love Jesus Christ then he will keep my words:
- He will obey The First Commandment of Jesus Christ.
- The love requires heart, soul, mind and strength. The love does not require idols, images etc.
have explained to you to whom one should show Love and How it should
I am consolidating my points.
1. What about a person who by looking at the photo of his wife, praying that "Please Cure My Disease" ? Is it OK ? Is it Love or Is it Worship ?
2. From verses like John 4:22, it is clear the one of the big problem that Jesus Christ faced was they incorporated the worship of idols with his worship.
3. Jesus Christ said - I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. Jesus Christ did not out-rightly rejected previous prophets or their scriptures.
4. From Acts 17:29 it is very well clear that those who worshiped idols, images did never think that they were other gods beside The True God.
5. How shamefully inexcusable then are the Greek and Roman churches in paganizing the worship of the Christian Church by the encouragement of pictures and images in religious service.
6. Idol worship came to the Christian community far far long after Jesus Christ.
I request you to take a print out of this mail, go to your Church and discuss with your Pastor and let me know the comments.
Dear Friend,
It is not out of any dislike, that I am talking this. It is out of The True Love of One God, mentioned in the scriptures of Almighty God,
that I talk these things. Of course, people have their own choices and
tastes. I duly respect their belief and practices. But when it comes for The
Truth, those practices and beliefs are no where near what Almighty God
really want us to do.